What to do if You are not happy With Job Transition?

Now answer me HONESTLY … Are you happy with what is going on right now in your Job Transition?

“If there were only more good people, and you met a few today.”

If fact you can.

You could probably use a quick breather from the grind of transition -so take  a look at 50,000 feet rather than the cold pavement.

Of course, in Southern Ontario and lower mainland B.C we have HAPPEN – North America’s largest social group for executives in transition. Each week we meet to interact and hear great speakers tell us what we need to hear.

I’d suggest you look it up and join – I did.

But …  if you are too far away, here’s the next best thing.

You can join a HAPPENing online at least see a video of some of the speakers right now.

  • Need a cheerful voice?
  • Need a good kick?
  • Need to stop fretting about options and alternatives?

Check out the four short videos at http://happen.ca/page/Happenings

 I bet you’ll be immensely reassured and smile more today.

 For another dose tomorrow, visit the websites of those speakers, or look at upcoming HAPPEN speakers and visit their sites.

By the way, Happy Birthday happen! It’s 20 years now.

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